Pirates of Penzance Concert

Avast there, me hearties!

If you’ve not already had enough of our piratical shenanigans, or maybe you missed our show in March (where were you?), there will be one more chance to see our Pirates of Penzance – in concert form, at least.

On Saturday 28th September at 7:30pm, we will be performing the songs* from this highly enjoyable operetta as part of the Thornbury Arts Festival. Tickets are available from the festival website, here.

See you there, land-lubbers!

*Please note, this will be a traditional performance and not Dungeons and Dragons themed like our staged show in March.

We’re back and ready for a new season!

Hello, everyone!

We know it’s been a while since our last post—sorry about that! After wrapping up our last show and taking a bit of a breather over the summer, we’re back and more excited than ever to kick off a brand new season with the Bristol Gilbert and Sullivan Society.

Mark your calendars because we’re starting with a bang on Tuesday, 3 September, with our Launch Night at our usual rehearsal venue. Whether you’re a seasoned member or thinking about joining us for the first time, we can’t wait to see you there!

This season promises to be something special as we prepare to bring you the The Grand Duke from 27-29 March 2025. It’s going to be a fantastic production, and we’d love for you to be a part of it—whether on stage, behind the scenes, or cheering us on from the audience.

The Grand Duke - Wikipedia

Stay tuned for more details about our Launch Night and everything we have in store. We’re thrilled to get started and hope you are too!

See you soon!

The Bristol Gilbert and Sullivan Society


Roll up!

Launch night is less than two weeks away, and we can’t wait to reveal our new production team and their vision for The Pirates of Penzance.

Principal auditions will be held on Tuesday 19th September, and more details will be given at launch night.

Why not roll the dice and come along…?

Looking for new members!

September may seem a long way away, but we’re counting down the weeks to the launch night for our next production: The Pirates of Penzance.

We’re excited to launch the new season, and hoping to welcome lots of new cast and crew members. We’re looking for singers, performers, set painters, costume makers – and many more opportunities are available!

If you’re interested in joining us, come along to our launch night or get in touch to find out more.

HMS Pinafore & The Zoo Auditions

Auditions for this season’s shows will be be held THIS Tuesday, and there’s still time to express an interest in auditioning!

When and Where?

Auditions will be on Tuesday 12 October at St Teresa’s Community Hall, 71 North Gloucester Road, Filton (email [email protected] for details). If you are not available on this date, please speak to Hannah or Pete to see if alternative arrangements can be made (note these will occur before the 12th).

Audition Fees

This year there is an audition fee of £20. This is included in the annual £95 membership fee, so if you have paid your subs there is nothing further owed to audition. If you pay the audition fee only and then get a part, the remaining £75 will be owed in order for you to take part in the show.

You will not be allowed to audition if you have not paid the £20 audition fee (you may turn up on the day with this fee in hand).

Schedule an Audition

If you would like to audition, please email Hannah Coleman at [email protected] to be allocated a time slot. You only need to prepare material for one character, even if you would like to be considered for multiple roles.

Rehearsal Availability

Please familiarise yourself with the rehearsal schedule before auditioning, and inform the MD and Director of any dates you are unable to make – including those where you don’t think you would be called. Please note that the Rehearsal Schedule is currently at Draft issue and specifics may change depending on the disclosed availabilities of cast members, especially post-Christmas.


Role Audition Material
Sir Joseph Porter

Comic Baritone

“When I Was a Lad” – all verses

Dia: p.7, “You’ve a remarkably fine crew, Captain Corcoran”, to end of scene.

Captain Corcoran

Lyric Baritone

“Fair Moon To Thee I Sing”

Dia: p14, “How sweety he carols forth…” to end of scene

Ralph Rackstraw


“A Maiden Fair to See”

Dia: p10 “Aye, Lady- no other than poor Ralph Rackstraw”, to end of scene

Dick Deadeye


“He thinks he’s won his Josephine” – from Finale Act 1

Dia: p2 “I have thought it often” to end of scene

Bill Bobstay, Boatswain

Lyric baritone

Any appropriate piece from above
Bob Becket, Carpenter


Any appropriate piece from above


“Sorry her lot”

Dia: p10 “It is useless”, to end of scene



“I’m called Little Buttercup”

Dia: p14, “How sweety he carols forth…” to end of scene



Any appropriate piece from above

Tenor – male or female

“I Loved Her Fondly”

Dia: As for Ralph


Baritone or Mezzo

“Ladies and Gentlemen”

Dia: As for Ralph

Mr Grinder


As for Dick Deadeye
Laetitia Grinder


As for Josephine
Eliza Smith

Mezzo Soprano

As for Josephine or Buttercup